
What gives you life?

I give you a challenge!  Find out what gives you life and make sure it has a place center stage in your routine!

How many days are spent on auto pilot?  Interesting, right?  With the time allotted in a day, and all of the things on that darn list, we can feel overwhelmed, inadequate, blah, blah, blah.  Here’s a little exercise.  If you had an hour and could choose to do something that fills you with that childlike surge of adrenaline, what would it be?  Flying a kite?  Lacing up your roller blades?  Curling up with a book?!  Take time to do your identified activity (or activities) at least once a week, making sure to put it onto your calendar.  Be prepared for a transformation.

For me, it’s my daily walk with my pal Bailey, rain, snow, sleet, hail, or sunshine.  I believe this has saved my life.  Our hikes clear my head, fill me with oxygen, and let me see God’s incredible creations.  Sometimes we are blessed with the company of wonderful friends, sometimes it’s just me and my pup blissfully on our own.  But always we come back better than when we left.   There is nothing wrong with taking that time to reboot, recharge, and re-engage.   In fact, I have found that some of my most creative times occur when I am doing something that fills and lifts my soul.  The key is to have it be something that gives you life, something that makes you excited to even contemplate, and then to take the time to do it.   I promise that darn list will still be there when you return.  Maybe it just won’t look quite as long…