Lifestyle, Projects

Prepare like a squirrel!

Every Fall I get the urge to nestle in, to bring in the harvest, prepare my surroundings and batten down the hatches for winter.  My canning pots seem to stand at attention, my work room and garage burst with upside down herbs being dried for tomorrow.  I’m  an optimist, but there is a lot of uncertainty in our world and I take advantage of this changing season as my time to prepare.  On one of my recent walks I was reminded that I am not the only one that feels this way.  Remember the old tale of the ant and the grasshopper preparing for winter?  One storing like a mad man, the other frittering away time soon to regret it (I forget which is which)?  Well my squirrel friend and I remember that story.  At the base of this tall pine tree rests her cone collection which she hopped from branch to branch to collect.  It was quite the size-able pile.  Each day as I would walk by it grew, and then shrank and shrank as she carted them one by one up the tree to her hiding place.  It was impressive.  For some, storing and preparing is an innate thing.  I am one of those that finds it highly satisfying!  My squirrel friend is too I would venture.  Must be kindred spirits she and I.  I encourage you to look for ways to prepare your home, pantry, and surroundings.  You’ll be surprised what you can store, preserve, or squirrel away for your rainy day, and I would think that when you are finished, you’ll be glad you did!