
Just Journal: How well do we know you?


When our kids were living at home we would spend one evening a week together taking a break from homework and extracurricular’s to do enjoyable activities, or learn something new.  Doing this kept us close and brought a sense of belonging.   One of my favorite activities (besides the whipping cream fight) that we did regularly was breaking out our journals for what we called “How well do we know you?”     Continue Reading

Project, Projects

Mini Gardening Tutorial: My New and Old Obsession

When I was working at Weston Nurseries in New England in 2003, I became obsessed with a trend that was sweeping the East Coast, mini/fairy gardening.  My sweet mother was also the beneficiary of this trend as I got her hooked while sending her items each holiday or birthday.  When she would come to MA for a visit, she would wander the nursery where we had our fairy gardens displayed and make my obliging daddy take pictures from every angle.  I love most anything miniature!  Mini furniture, birdhouses, animals, pathways, mini plants, oh I can’t help myself!  When the craze made its way to the West Coast I shouted a renewed WOO HOO and dug out all of my mini’s and the ones I had inherited as well.  Whether displaying indoors or out, with fairy residents or not, you can make these gardens come to life for you too, and i’ll show you how!  I dare say you might even become obsessed…  I hope so anyway.

This projects focuses on my indoor garden for now, as my mountain town is still blanketed in snow.  I love this wonderful way to bring the outdoors in, smell the dirt, and experience something live until I can fling my doors and windows open wide.

You will need:

A container (there is no wrong size just pick one suitable for your space), a piece of plastic or large garbage bag, large pebbles enough to layer in the bottom of your container, potting soil, selected plants, mini accessories of your liking (you can find these online or many garden stores carry them, shout out to Sun River Gardens, my personal favorite), a bag of small pebbles for a pathway, and a small watering can.



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Keeping it simple… decluttering your home and your mind!

We recently finished building a new home.  In designing our home we went from years and years of our “eclectic style” to Rustic Contemporary in one move.  We had carried with us pieces of each stage of our home life; newly married hodgepodge, Farmhouse Country, New England Primitive, Cape Cod, Mountain Rustic,  and a smattering of this and that’s.  Use your imagination people!  Continue Reading


Why This?

The only reason I started this blog was to lift and to bless.  Definitely myself, and hopefully others as well.  I like to think that each day we are given a chance to grow and improve on the one before, thank goodness!     I don’t like the panic I sometimes feel when this thought pops into my head, “what am I doing with my life”.  Continue Reading